Thursday, December 4, 2008

Watch Me Go!

I had a percussion instructor in middle in high school, who was a bit of an odd bird. Among his many eccentricities was his habit of saying anytime I started doing something, "There goes Mary Elizabeth!** Watch her go!" When you hear something enough times, I guess it gets ingrained in your mind, so I developed a habit of saying that to myself as well. Not for every little thing, but when I need to really gear myself up for something, a little "Watch me go!" never hurts.

Well, I'm starting a new adventure in this little blog, so watch me go! I recently read a book. If you don't know me, you're still probably waiting for the end of that sentence. Okay, you read a book... And?? If you do know me well, you know there's no And?... I read a book. Period. I haven't done that in years, except for the books I've been required to read for grad school these last 2 and a half years. The book is called Such a Pretty Fat by Jen Lancaster, and I LOVED it. I even read all 375 pages in less than 24 hours; that's how much I loved it. If you've ever struggled with weight and you have a sense of humor at all, you should read it. But anyway, the point of me telling you about this book is that while I was reading it, I just kept thinking (aside from "That's SO me!"), "Man, I'd love to write a book someday." I don't know what it was, but Jen Lancaster's writing just really inspired me.

I have always loved writing and loved sharing my life with others, but I had never considered writing a book. After about a couple of weeks of mulling this over and trying to figure out what I could possibly write a book about that hadn't already been done, I still had no earthly idea what I could ever write a whole book about. Nor do I have any idea that anyone would like to read what I write. Thus, this blog was born. The things I have to share are a reflection of my life--random pieces that don't always fit together or make any sense at all--and probably much more suited for a blog style anyway. Who knows... maybe one day I will write a book... but for now, the world will have to settle for my little piece of cyberspace. Will anyone like what I write or read it? I don't know. Will I even share the url with anyone? I don't know that either. But I do know that I've been inspired, and it feels great.

**No, my name is not actually Mary Elizabeth. Just Elizabeth. Liz, if you like. But there's no Mary. Just add that to the list of his eccentricities.

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